상품 상세 정보
상품명 Spine Surgery Tricks of the Trade, 3/e
정가 270,000원
판매가 243,000원
적립금 4,800원 (2%)
저자 Alexander R. Vaccaro
출판사 Thieme
ISBN 9781604068962
출판일 2016.03
판형 Hardcover / 500page / 3판
상품 옵션


 Written by world-renowned masters in spine surgery, this expanded third edition details all the major procedures and newest technical innovations in the field. Experts share clinical pearls gleaned from years of surgical experience and ongoing refinement of techniques. Throughout 21 well organized sections, the essential elements of a full spectrum of cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacroiliac joint procedures are distilled into 112 concise, easy to understand chapters.

From deformities to spinal tumors, the text facilitates a greater understanding of surgical nuances and potential complications encountered in standard to complex cases. The authors share insights for improving patient safety and outcome such as reducing radiation exposure during fluoroscopy, minimizing intraoperative blood loss, and utilization of the surgical microscope. Updated pain management content encompasses varied strategies including injections, steroids, and nerve blocks.

Special Features:

Up to date and comprehensive, this book is an outstanding resource for orthopedic and neurosurgical fellows and residents, as well as clinicians specializing in spine surgery.