상품 상세 정보
상품명 Handbook of Fractures, 6/ed
정가 105,000원
판매가 94,500원
적립금 2,800원 (3%)
저자 Kenneth A. Egol
출판사 LWW
ISBN 9781496384850
출판일 2019/11
판형 Paperback/925pages/6판
상품 옵션

With practical coverage of both adult and pediatric fractures, Handbook of Fractures, Sixth Edition is the must-have reference for residents and anyone—nurse practitioners and physician assistants, for example—in either the orthopaedic or emergency medicine setting. The book’s easy-to-read review provides fast access to information on all aspects of fracture management and classification—from anatomy and mechanism of injury to clinical and radiologic evaluation and treatment.